
Everythin goes faster these days, its the newest revolution, i think.
Maybe its the only revolution we're addicted to, together with other form of matters, like fashion, party, drugs, sex, alcohol, rock and roll, gadgets and socialism, etc.. etc.., who cares? as long as its the edgy thing thats happening in ones own time, we're so all hooked on it. hooked to it and hooked on it. the new drug, the instant, the now.
maybe every generation produces a certain number of people who want change- change in its most drastic form.
is patience still a virtue? why not?. when we had to face the chaotic that made us believe something, or want something or do something. we want to be the cog in the wheel. just like in FB, its funny that were so cynical about people who post updates in every fuckin five minutes, who post nothing but their lameness. but come on.. it seems that were all just like them, we dont post not because we just want to, or it i just simply fun, or just for the heck. deep down in our diabolical thinking we know that we want ourselves to be notice, we want to be talked about, we want a lil attention. but anyway. what im saying is do we really need all of these stuff?.
most of the time we liberately follow our first impulse and fly without even thinking, specially when were lonely for soul company, as i am, i think. i have a tendency to believe im up and open for anythin, and sometimes this sense that i have nothing to lose makes me take risk i should not take. do this i should not do, and im one of thos erisky moods.. and oohh yeah.. here i am sounded like preaching like i knew eveythin, funny isn't? as if im not hooked up and addicted of all these things, as if i am responsible enough to control my emotions, as if im brave enough to manipulate all these inevitable peer.
ide like to believe im open for anything , and yet still asking why, am i a bad ass? why we want drastic change? why we're all seems to be a colonial mentality? what do we like so much about parties and alcohol?
Maybe im doin what we're all doin: haunting the space to find some interesting. maybe we have hunger for conversation? hunt for substantial being with whom we might learn or share our brain for an hour or two, maybe we just want to be notice? maybe we're just bored? or trying to fit in, or maybe we're lonely?
i dont know actually , and im not sure what i believe in now....