starin blankly!!

Nothing to do, still staring blankly at my paint, ( I just did new paint)
I thought doin it , instead of getting bogged down from the sanity she gave me, why not spend it in productive way like paint or write, I’ve realized that I have to move on.
To hell with her! why would I shed tears from the person who doesn’t even care
I’m starting to get over, (well we couldn’t leave the fact that I’m still in love with her)
I guess my love will always be with her.
But I have to find another route to forget her. coz i know she’s not coming back, coz she found someone better than me.
But ill just be here for her anytime she needs me or anytime she needs a friend
Awwww gaawwdd….. that’s the hardest thing to do, to forget the one you madly fallen in love with.
But I don’t have a choice but to move on
Thanx to my friends who’s always been there for me, friends who makes me realized that life doesn’t stop there.
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